
Harlem is a simple, unopinionated, lightweight and extensible state management solution for Vue 3.

v1.3.1 by github-actions[bot]github-actions[bot]

No significant changes

    View changes on GitHub

v1.3.0 by github-actions[bot]github-actions[bot]

v1.2.0 by danielroedanielroe

1.2.0 (2022-11-16)

v1.1.1 by danielroedanielroe

1.1.1 (2022-09-03)

Bug Fixes

  • update nuxt compatibility (25ac965)

v1.1.0 by danielroedanielroe

1.1.0 (2022-05-01)

The major change for this release is that it now depends on a nuxt 3 RC version of kit.

Bug Fixes

v1.0.1 by danielroedanielroe

1.0.1 (2022-02-21)


  • auto-import createStore where used (bd5ffa0)